How much do context switches matter? Years ago, while taking a numerical methods course, I wrote some code to calculate the expected number of shared birthdays in a group. The code is very simple: each attempt constructs a vector of N birthdays, then counts the duplicates.
To .NET or not to .NET, That is the QuestionI’m confused. For many years I’ve been a .NET / Microsoft stack developer (from now on I might call it .NET for simplicity, but what I mean is the Windows / ASP / .NET / IIS / SQL Server etc.
Introducing .NET CoreAt connect(), we announced that .NET Core will be entirely released as open source software. I also promised to follow up with more details on .NET Core. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of .NET Core, how we’re going to release it, how it relates to the .
Do You Really Understand SQL’s GROUP BY and HAVING clauses?There are some things in SQL that we simply take for granted without thinking about them properly. One of these things are the GROUP BY and the less popular HAVING clauses. Let’s look at a simple example.
Dev-ops toolsI first fell in love with XSL in 1999, when Microsoft rolled an XSLT processor into MSXML. I got my hands on the works of Shakespeare marked up in XML and started playing. I found it so shockingly easy to transform a whole play into HTML with XSLT handling the heavy lifting of flow control.
Katana, ASP.NET 5, and bridging the gapThis post is for developers that have been using the Microsoft Owin components (e.g. the Katana project) and want to know how it relates to ASP.NET 5. As discussed in Katana’s roadmap, the next major version of Katana is being fully integrated into ASP.NET 5.
How a course in operating systems changed meThere are few classes at Princeton that changed me like COS 318 (Operating Systems). It was challenging, time-munching, and exhausting, but looking back: I’m glad I took the course.
Cache is the new RAMThis is a talk given at Defrag 2014. One of the (few) advantages of being in technology for a long time is that you get to see multiple tech cycles beginning to end. You get to see how breakthroughs actually propagate.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.