Another empty can of coke. Just a few hours left before the week-end!! This is looking great, I just have to refactor this small part of the code. Two minutes and I should be done. Ok. it’s actually more complex than I had thought. 2 minutes won’t cut it.
Dealing with Failure: The Way of the M**adOften, the code we write can fail. I don’t mean bugs. Our software can try to open a file, and fail. It can try to load some data from a database, and find the database unavailable. Worse, it can find the data inside is somehow invalid. It can interact with a network, that can fail.
Data Compression with Arithmetic EncodingArithmetic coding is a common algorithm used in both lossless and lossy data compression algorithms. It is an entropy encoding technique, in which the frequently seen symbols are encoded with fewer bits than lesser seen symbols.
JavaScript for C# DevelopersBeyond squiggly braces and case sensitivity, there’s not much in common between C# and JavaScript. Take this hour to get into the guts of what makes JavaScript special.
Hands On Lab: Visual Studio 2013 Web ToolsVisual Studio is an excellent development environment for .NET-based Windows and web projects. It includes a powerful text editor that can easily be used to edit standalone files without a project. Visual Studio maintains a full-featured parse tree as you edit each file.
The Rise And Fall Of The Full Stack DeveloperEditor’s note: Peter Yared is the founder and CTO of Sapho and was formerly the CTO/CIO of CBS Interactive. It seems as though everyone in tech today is infatuated with the full-stack developer. Full stack may have been possible in the Web 2.
Internet of Things: The Good, the Bad and the UglyInternet of Things (IoT) is a phrase gaining foothold in the international lexicon of technology. It refers to the growing number of everyday objects that are able to connect to the internet and communicate with each other.
Why I love databasesLast year I worked with various databases at Square. I did: Initially forced by the necessity, I soon became fascinated by the databases. The study of databases intersects almost every topic in computer science?—?its theory and implementation are both sophisticated and challenging.
The Sixth Stageof Grief IsRetro-computingOver the last few days I’ve been crazy for emulation—that is, simulating old, busted computers on my sweet modern laptop. I’ve been booting up fake machines and tearing them down, one after the other, and not doing much besides.
A Guide To Video And Audio Conversion Using FFmpegFFmpeg is a very powerful and great command line tool used for performing various conversion operations on audio and video files. The good thing about this tool is that it is absolutely free to use. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.