Dear developers: Do you feel insecure because you’re only fluent in a mere eight programming languages used across three families of devices? Does exposure to yet another JavaScript framework make you shudder and wince? Have you postponed a pet project because you couldn’t figure out which cloud
Beware of Productivity Tools by Mark SeemannThis article discusses developer productivity tools. Once in a while I get into a heated discussion about the merits and demerits of ReSharper. As these discussions usually happen on Twitter, the 140 character limit isn't conducive to a nuanced debate. That's what I want to start here, not a rant.
Four excellent articles on designing, developing, and maintaining complete software systems.We suffer from an embarrassment of riches when it comes to programming idioms and tactics from the level of a single line of code up to an individual object in isolation.
Don't get HadoopedI have seen many companies that are interested in improving their analytical capabilities, and I noticed a disconcerting pattern: in many cases, companies are drawn to Hadoop (or Spark, or similar solutions) not because it solves a real problem they have, but because it is a shiny, trendy piece of
WebRTC Made SimpleWebRTC is a set of JavaScript APIs that enable peer-to-peer, realtime communication between web browsers. It offers some pretty amazing capabilities, but getting through even a basic introduction to it can be daunting. The variety of new APIs and protocols is a lot to digest.
How not to get hired by NeurobatWhen I recruit software engineers I always ask them to first take a short online programming test. Following a recommendation from Jeff Atwood, we use Codility as an online programming testing tool. The goal of this test is not to assess whether you are a good programmer.
Relieving SQL Join PainIf you’ve built an application that stores its data in a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, then you’ve likely run into situations where joining two or more large tables becomes very slow and painful.
Installing VirtualBox, and Boot2Docker to run Docker Containers in OSX/WindowsThis tutorial will mark the beginning of tutorials revolving around Docker, CoreOS, and running applications within Linux Containers. In this first video we will go over differences between virtual machines and docker containers, installing Virtualbox and Boot2Docker, which will allow us to use Dock
Introduction to DockerdotCloud founder and CTO Solomon Hykes recently stopped by Twitter HQ to show us Docker, an open source project designed to easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application.Common use cases for Docker include:* Automating the packaging and deployment of applicatio
Indistinguishable from RandomBodo Möller, Thai Duong, and Krzysztof Kotowicz have just broken the internet again with POODLE[20], a new and devastating attack against SSL.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.