Rob Janssen

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Leon Gersing - Keep Software Weird

This is a talk from Barcelona Ruby Conference 2014 ( much code coverage does it take it ship a minimal viable product? How many Scrum Certifications does it take to make your team agile? How many languages learned make a journeyman a master? In software, there is an expres

Getting Started with Continuous Delivery

While working in a high paced and agile environment, building block by block to reach the ultimate minimal viable product, stakeholders will most definitely ask more than once if they can see what you have thus far. Agile, Scrum, continuous delivery and testing are not new concepts or buzz-words.

Graph traversal, part one

There are lots of topics in both practical and theoretical computer science that deal with graphs, lots of different kinds of graphs, lots of ways to represent a graph as a data structure, and lots of operations you’d want to perform on such a data structure.

Graph traversal, part two

Last time we built an immutable structure representing a labeled directed graph, and then built a directed acyclic graph stolen from Zork: (click for larger) The question at hand is: given a node in a finite DAG, what are all the possible traversals of edges through the graph starting from that no

The Ultimate Commodore 64 Talk [25c3]

The Ultimate Commodore 64 TalkEverything about the C64 in 64 MinutesRetrocomputing is cool as never before. People play C64 games in emulators and listen to SID music, but few people know much about the C64 architecture. This talk attempts to communicate "everything about the C64" to the listener, i

Do Not Disturb - Cafe

When hackers grow old

Lately I’ve been wrestling with various members of an ancient and venerable open-source development group which I am not going to name, though people who regularly follow my adventures will probably guess which one it is by the time I’m done venting.

When Does Your OS Run?

Here’s a question: in the time it takes you to read this sentence, has your OS been running? Or was it only your browser? Or were they perhaps both idle, just waiting for you to do something already? These questions are simple but they cut through the essence of how software works.

Computer with human-like learning will program itself

The Neural Turing Machine will combine the best of number-crunching with the human-like adaptability of neural networks – so it can invent its own programs YOUR smartphone is amazing, but ask it to do something it doesn't have an app for and it just sits there.

Components Programming – Components Programming

As you may have noticed, Components Programming is the name of this blog. And perhaps you’re wondering, what Components Programming means?

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.