Rob Janssen

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My Favorite Way To Handle Dev Environments | VS Code Devcontainers

A step-by-step walkthrough of using my favorite method to manage development environments: VS Code Devcontainers. No docker commands required! This is great for onboarding new people to your complex project or reproducing your work environment on a new machine. You can even use your devcontainer

Implementing API Key Authentication in ASP.NET Core

Check out my courses: Become a Patreon and get source code access: Hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video I will show you all the approaches you can use to add API Key based authentication in you ASP.NET Core APIs. I will cover a gener

How To Implement API Key Authentication In ASP.NET Core

Support me on Patreon to access the source code: API Key Authentication is commonly used in S2S scenarios. You provide the API caller a unique key that they use to authenticate with your API. The API Key can be sent in a few ways. For example, it can be sent i

What Is A Message Queue And Why RabbitMQ Is A Great Choice

Support me on Patreon to access the source code: Message queues are required in most modern systems for the great benefits they bring. They're very useful for designing decoupled communication between components by passing messages to the queue. In this video,

Adding Validation To The Options Pattern In ASP.NET Core

Support me on Patreon to access the source code: The Options pattern allows us to use classes to provide strongly typed configuration values in our application at runtime. But you have no guarantee that the configuration values injected with IOptions will be c

ASP.NET Core Authentication with YARP

How to re-use core authentication to protect your components written in other languages in frameworks like python, express or rust. I show ho to use YARP to authenticate & authorise your proxied requests as well as attach user data. Support my Work ?? B

Where Should You Put Repository Interfaces In Clean Architecture?

?? Support me on Patreon to access the source code: There's a lot of debate about where you should define repositories in a domain-centric architecture like Clean Architecture. Do you place the repository interfaces in the domain layer? Or do you move the re

Build Clean Messaging in .NET with MassTransit

Enroll to "Cloud Fundamentals: AWS Services for C# Developers" for FREE: Become a Patreon and get source code access: Hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video, I will show you how you can get started with building clean and scalable mess

Using The New Rate Limiter In ASP.NET Core | BONUS: Rate Limiter Algorithms 101

Support me on Patreon to access the source code: A rate limiter is a technique to restrict the number of requests to your API. We have built-in rate limiter algorithms in ASP.NET Core 7. The available algorithms are fixed window, sliding window, token bucket,

Intro To RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is a powerful message broker that can help you create resilient and scalable applications. If you're not familiar with message brokers, don't worry - by the end of this video, you'll have a clear understanding of what they are and why they're useful. In this video, I'll explain the basics

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.